Genesis 1
Seems like a good place to start for a new year, a new beginning. As I read through this chapter today some things really stood out to me.
God is in the beginning of my day, my life, my everything
As I read this chapter, I noticed the power in - God said. He said it and it happened! God created everything out of nothing. He created everything by His word. He spoke it into being. God’s Word is powerful!!!
Just as God's Word started the world, God’s Word should start my day.
Another key point is - God rejoices in what He has made. So, God rejoices in me! He made me and he rejoices. ☺
It also stood out that we were created to reflect God’s image. We were created in His image. Spiritually we were made in His image and we were created to rule over God’s creation. I’m to care for this creation.
5 Foundations were set up for a purpose driven life in Genesis 1
1. God at the beginning of everything
2. God’s Word to start each day
3. God’s joy to end each day
4. God working through the process of my life
5. God has created me in His image
Pretty incredible! How many times have I ignored God's Word or didn't start the day with Him? Well, my new year's resolution is to change that! God is here. He is with me. He is at the beginning of my day and at the end of it and He rejoices over me!
John 1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (verses 1-5)
I decided to start with the gospel of John because of how it parallels Genesis 1. He wrote in the beginning as well but he wrote in the beginning was the Word. Jesus is the Word. So, we know that Jesus was in the beginning with God and all things were made through Him. It is very clear even reading Genesis because it says - Let US make man in OUR image. God is three in one. God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit. Together they made the world and the beauty of it was they formed a salvation plan from the very beginning. Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness.
Joshua 1
After reading this chapter what stood out to me was an amazing promise that God made in verse 5. I will never leave you nor forsake you
That is such an incredible promise!!! To know that there is someone who will never walk out on me, never leave me, never give up on me. He will always be there no mater what! That is an incredible promise!!! Something else that really jumped out at me was in verse 8
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Again we see the importance of God's Word. For it will make us prosperous and successful. So from Genesis 1 we see how God's is to be at the beginning of our day but how we also need to meditate on it day & night. For indeed if we do God has promised to prosperous us and make us successful!
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.
So interesting an amazing to me that God keeps showing me a central theme here of the importance of studying His Word! Here it says in verse 2: But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.
His delight!
And then it says we shall be like a tree planted by the water.
(1) A tree has deep roots and is usually very sturdy. A tree portrays stability and the capacity to withstand the storms of life. It’s the picture of mental, emotional, and spiritual stability in every kind of situation.
(2) It also pictures the concept of growth and time. As it takes time to produce a huge sprawling oak, so it takes time to grow and mature in the Word. The problem, especially in our ‘instant tea’ society, we want and expect an overnight transformation and change. But true spiritual strength comes from a long-term, established relationship with God in his Word.
(3) It also pictures ministry. If a tree is a fruit tree, it gives fruit. If it is an oak, it gives shade. God has given us His Word that we might become fruitful trees in His service and in ministry to others.
“Planted” is a participle of the Hebrew verb sh`t~l. This verb actually means “to transplant,” not merely “plant.” This is rich and significant. “To plant” means to cause to take root, to become firmly established for the purpose of stability, nutrition (food and water), growth, and eventually production.Water to me here is refreshing. God will give us times of refreshing. mmm...I love that! And then of course it says we will produce fruit, will not wither, and whatever we do will prosper! Amazing promises. Of course the next part of the psalm talks about what we should beware of. It tells us the key to being a successful Christian
The key to a successful Christian life is to be in the world and minister to the world but not get sucked in by the world. Instead of listening to the counsel of the wicked, we should be proclaiming the light and the salt of the gospel. Instead of standing like sinners, acting like sinners, and talking like sinners, we need to be speaking the good news. Instead of relaxing with the scoffers and mockers, we should be pointing others to the God who loves them.
There are 66 chapters in Isaiah and 66 books in the Bible. There are 39 books in the old testament. 39 chapter in Isaiah talk of the law and government of God. There are 27 books in the new testament and 27 chapters in Isaiah talk of God's grace and salvation.
I LOVE the book of Isaiah so I am most excited to study it out.
Isaiah 1
Chapter 1 finds us understanding how upset God is. he says His children have turned away from Him. He is sick of religion, the assemblies and prayers that mean nothing. He doesn't want their works...He wants their hearts! He wants their worship! Note that the people were attending worship services, the attended regularly, they sacrificed regularly, they sent incense (prayers) heavenward. Yet in their hearts, they were hypocrites in worship only going through the motions and not letting God change their hearts and lives. One critical lesson for us here is that obedience must come before worship can occur.
Referring to rebellion, God illustrates His point showing them that even dumb oxen and stubborn donkeys know their masters mangers yet His people don't know Him. He desires for us to know Him! To know His heart!
May I never stray from God's heart! May I always make it a priority to seek Him out daily and worship Him with all of my heart, mind, and soul.
Acts 1
Something I read in this first chapter today that stood out to me was it says Jesus appeared to the disciples over a period of 40 days. I guess I never took notice of that before. The rest of this chapter speaks of Jesus telling the disciples to be ready for the coming of the Holy Spirit and the men voting on Matthias to take the place of Judas among the 12.
As I said before..the overall theme I felt from the Lord today is the importance of His Word and His longing for me to know Him, know His heart. His desire is for me and not my works.
Praise God! He is here! And thank you Lord for Your blessings on 2011.