Recently one of the pastor's at my home church spoke on storms. There are many storms that come into our lives such as physical, emotional, relational, financial. But when she spoke on storms I realized there is another storm. The storm of WAITING. It seems so fitting that I am reading about Joseph right now as I finish up the book of Genesis. Because most of Joseph's life was spent waiting.
I was thinking about Joseph a lot this morning. Especially when his brothers cast him into that deep, dark hole. Can you imagine the hurt? Having your family reject you that way. Not caring if you live or die? I also wonder if the thought came into his mind that his father knew. I could see so easily how the enemy would project thoughts into his mind that his father sent him out there knowing what his brothers would do. Maybe he dismissed it but I know I would have struggled with that thought. Aside from losing a loved one there can be no greater hurt then to be rejected by your own family. Then Joseph was sold. Another deep hurt. To be sold as if you are a "thing". As if you are not human almost. Just a piece of property with a price tag. Then he went to work for Potiphar. He worked for him without pay. And I was thinking it must have been very difficult at first because he spoke the Hebrew language and now he was in Egypt. He had to learn a whole new language and that couldn't have been easy. And talk about culture shock! Yet, Joseph never forgot who he was, his heritage, or His God. Nothing is said in the Bible about all those in between years. But it couldn't have been easy. And all that time Joseph just had to WAIT. He was waiting for the dream, waiting for it to get better. Wondering if it ever would.
In my own life right now I can so relate. I am waiting. Waiting for the right job, the right ministry, waiting for a husband, for the vision God gave me 16 years ago to be fulfilled. And this waiting can be such a storm. The doubts that come in, trying to hang on to faith, the many obstacles and temptations that get in the way.
Then I think of Joseph again. He was tempted by Potiphar's wife and I am sure there were many other temptations not recorded throughout his stay there. But Joseph endured and He stood on faith and what he knew was right. And what was his reward for all that?
Years in prision! Thrown into another deep, dark hole. He did nothing wrong. I hang onto that because when bad things happen it's so easy to think we did something wrong or that God is punishing us. But, that is not the case. God placed Joseph at Potiphar's house to train him to rule over little things so he could be a ruler over many things, and he placed him in jail so he could meet up with the source that would bring him before Pharoah.
Now, I don't think God wanted Joseph's brothers to reject him and sell him. That was their choice and I'm sure it broke God's heart. He most likely had a different plan in mind to bring Joseph's dreams to pass. But God was able to take that tragedy and turn it into good. Nothing is impossible for God!
20 years later Joseph meets back up with his brothers and sees the dream fulfilled. And then we see one of the greatest lessons of forgiveness. So much hurt, so many deep wounds but Joseph forgave them and saw what God was able to do through the whole ordeal and give God the glory.
So, as I am in this season of waiting I will keep Joseph in mind. For if his story teaches me anything it is that if God puts a dream or vision in your heart He will fulfill it. It will come to pass. And during the storm of waiting I can find peace in standing on His Word and thank Him for all He is preparing me for.
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31