This morning as I was praying and communing with the Lord He gave me a poem. ☺ I always love it when He gives me a poem, the words come so easily and then when it's finished He says - it's done. Oh how I love Him!!!
OH, distracted heart. Stop with your wandering eyes.
Stop focusing on what the world can give and focus on the prize.
For their is hidden treasure! If only you could see
the world and all it's pleasure can not compare to me!
OH, heart that mourns and cries out in the night
Be comforted and know, you are precious in my sight
I hold you in my arms and long for you to see
that there is no man who could love you more then me
OH, heart that is ashamed and regrets all things you've done
Know and understand that's why I sent my Son
for He has washed away all your guilt and sin
He stand outside and knocks. Now, will you let Him in?