Excuses regarding himself
Excuses regarding education
Excuses regarding people’s reaction
Excuses regarding spiritual gifts
Excuses regarding comfort
Moses most likely reflected on the his past failure. After all he killed a man and fled. He spent 40 years taking care of sheep. That was considered to be the lowest of low jobs. His self esteem of himself was probably not very high. I can relate to that. Well, who couldn't? We have all failed and made mistakes. Even in ministry. Even when we are doing what God called us to do. It is important to always keep in mind that there are no great men of God but only men of a great God! We are all weak and unworthy. That's why it's so amazing! God's glory can shine and be seen when it's done through our frailty.
Then we see Moses speak on not really knowing who God is. Who shall I say has sent me? Moses was educated for 40 years in Egypt. He had the best teaching and education. But yet he questions who God really is. I love that God simply says - I am who I am! I will be who you need me to be. Has this been an excuse? We don't serve because we think we need more education in the Word, more time in prayer, more Christian education. I get trapped in this a lot. It makes me fall into traps of comparison. While it is very important we spend time with the Lord and in His Word. We can not excuse ourselves from serving just because we think someone else knows more. God told Moses He would give him the right words to say. When God calls us to do something we must also trust He will provide us with the right words.
Moses was afraid of what others would say about him. Again, thinking back to what the Hebrew men said to him, "Who made you a prince and a judge over us?" (Exodus 2:14)
Moses was probably thinking he would again get the same reaction and nobody would believe that God met with him. And then he looked at his weakness in speech. God had an answer for every excuse that Moses could think of. He gave him all the tools he needed and even provided him Aaron to help out.
It's so easy to be like Moses. To find excuses not to serve. To look at all our weakness, faults, past failures, and lack of ability. But none of that matters. Because it's NOT us doing it. It's God doing it through us. We only need to possess one thing. A willing heart. A heart that says - yes!
I have also been reading Gideon's story in Judges and one thing that stood out to me was how easy the people wanted to worship Gideon after the great victory. The Israelites wanted to worship Moses. We must always remember that God receives ALL the glory!!! Again, NO great men of God only men of a great God! All glory goes to Him! Let us always say yes to God, serve Him with all our heart, and point others to Him to receive all the glory.
And, no more excuses!!!!