I've been thinking of this expression a lot lately. I have always heard it and thought it applied more to food. However, it never made sense to me in that aspect...if I eat an apple..I'm an apple? lol..
Recently I have been thinking about it in another way. We have all heard in Christian circles the expression..eat the Word of God. Give us this day our daily bread..reffering to God's Word for us today or His provision for us.
So, if you are always chosing to watch things in movies or on television that fill us up with worldy junk then that would be what comes out of us. Listen to swearing long enough and you will be swearing, too. Watch TV shows that mock God and your faith in Him will diminish. Watch enough violence and you become desensitized or complacent about it. Listen to lies long enough and they become truth to you.
But, if we fill ourselves up on God's Word, feast on that daily..then that will come out of us. Joy, faith, love, forgiveness, patience, goodness.
That children's song always pops into my heard at times like this..."Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little ears what you hear, oh be careful little mouth what you say, oh be careful little feet where you go for the Father up above is looking down in love.."
Let us be mindful of what we consume each day because eventually it will spill out of us.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.- 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Comfort Through Grieving
I recently have witnessed many beautiful souls who's life ended too soon. One was a young mother of three children, one a newborn baby, another a young girl of twenty. At times like this we often wonder, "Why, God?" , "Why are some prayers answered and others not?"
In times such as these my heart and spirit mourn for those families but I remember that God is in control and He knows the outcome of everything.
We are tempted at times to think that death has come to the wrong person or has come at the wrong time, especially when a child is left without a mother, or when children die at a young age. Familiar as we are with death, the ways of God regarding it often seem strange to us. But, without a doubt, God never abandons His children. He leads us to look beyond our grief and to trust in His wisdom and in His tender love to comfort our broken spirit. At times we all need comfort. This is especially true during experiences of distress and grief when a loved one dies. Those of us who have lost loved ones know what a word of compassion can mean. I remember what a comfort it was for me when my dad died. As we see others suffering, let us also remember that our Heavenly Father has commanded to comfort His people.
The words of our Savior are most comforting, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:1-3).
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. - Psalm: 116:15
The Lord pays special attention when his faithful people die. - Psalm 116:15 (NIRV)
Dear Lord,
Bless those who mourn with the comfort of your love that they may face each new day with hope and the certainty that nothing can destroy the good that has been given. May their memories become joyful, their days enriched with friendship,
and their lives encircled by your love. In Jesus' name, I pray.....Amen.
Please pray for families that are mourning today. My heart grieves for other countries as well. Many die everyday, thousands of children from disease and hunger, and sometimes we don't blink an eye. Pray for the broken hearted and those who mourn.
When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher then I (Psalm 61:2)
God is still in control
In times such as these my heart and spirit mourn for those families but I remember that God is in control and He knows the outcome of everything.
We are tempted at times to think that death has come to the wrong person or has come at the wrong time, especially when a child is left without a mother, or when children die at a young age. Familiar as we are with death, the ways of God regarding it often seem strange to us. But, without a doubt, God never abandons His children. He leads us to look beyond our grief and to trust in His wisdom and in His tender love to comfort our broken spirit. At times we all need comfort. This is especially true during experiences of distress and grief when a loved one dies. Those of us who have lost loved ones know what a word of compassion can mean. I remember what a comfort it was for me when my dad died. As we see others suffering, let us also remember that our Heavenly Father has commanded to comfort His people.
The words of our Savior are most comforting, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:1-3).
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. - Psalm: 116:15
The Lord pays special attention when his faithful people die. - Psalm 116:15 (NIRV)
Dear Lord,
Bless those who mourn with the comfort of your love that they may face each new day with hope and the certainty that nothing can destroy the good that has been given. May their memories become joyful, their days enriched with friendship,
and their lives encircled by your love. In Jesus' name, I pray.....Amen.
Please pray for families that are mourning today. My heart grieves for other countries as well. Many die everyday, thousands of children from disease and hunger, and sometimes we don't blink an eye. Pray for the broken hearted and those who mourn.
When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher then I (Psalm 61:2)
God is still in control
The Lord's Prayer
Jesus gave us a guideline for prayer. Yes, it's the Lord's prayer.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your nameIt starts with worship. God is holy and worthy to be praised. We need to worship Him ever day and give thanks for His creation, His glorious works, and the sacrifice Jesus paid for us on the cross.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Surrender and submit to Him. Not my dreams God but Yours! His plans for me, His thoughts. Ask God for direction in all things, for wisdom, and guidance. Change me, God…make me more like You. Less of me and more of You!
Give us today our daily bread.
This is our petitions. Intercession for others, the lost, hurting, our brothers & sisters in Christ and for God to fill us with what we need for that day.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Asking God for forgiveness for our sins, what we have done wrong and for what we should have done that we didn’t do. Also, forgiving others. Not complaining about them, back biting, or feeling bitter but truly forgiving. God forgave us a far greater debt so we in return must forgive others of theirs..even if they really hurt us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.Covering Prayers. Praying for yourself and others to not be tempted by sin, deceived, tricked, or trapped by the enemy’s plans. No to become a puppet of the world and For lies and hidden sins to be exposed.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your nameIt starts with worship. God is holy and worthy to be praised. We need to worship Him ever day and give thanks for His creation, His glorious works, and the sacrifice Jesus paid for us on the cross.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Surrender and submit to Him. Not my dreams God but Yours! His plans for me, His thoughts. Ask God for direction in all things, for wisdom, and guidance. Change me, God…make me more like You. Less of me and more of You!
Give us today our daily bread.
This is our petitions. Intercession for others, the lost, hurting, our brothers & sisters in Christ and for God to fill us with what we need for that day.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Asking God for forgiveness for our sins, what we have done wrong and for what we should have done that we didn’t do. Also, forgiving others. Not complaining about them, back biting, or feeling bitter but truly forgiving. God forgave us a far greater debt so we in return must forgive others of theirs..even if they really hurt us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.Covering Prayers. Praying for yourself and others to not be tempted by sin, deceived, tricked, or trapped by the enemy’s plans. No to become a puppet of the world and For lies and hidden sins to be exposed.
Only One Enemy
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12
How easy we forget who are enemy really is. We only have ONE enemy.
God has been speaking to my heart so strongly about loving my enemies, praying for them, forgiving, not talking bad about people who hurt me. When I tried to love them in my own strength I failed everytime. When I chose to go to my friends first and complain and vent all my feelings it always made things worse. Why? Because I was hurting those people back by my words and keeping contempt in my heart against them. Then the time I went to God first, cried my eyes out to Him and told Him everything it always ends with Him showing me how I can change. Change my heart and attitude towards the situation and then in His strength, encouraged by His word, and led by His spirit I was able to overcome and the situation always works out and peace is restored. AND the best thing is no one got hurt in the process because I didn't hurt anyone with my words. Instead I covered them in prayer and in God's grace, mercy, and love.
As I wrote before that doesn't mean you have to open the door to let them hurt you again. Trust must be earned and we must guard our hearts. The Bible tells us to guard them.
It doesn't mean we have to let people walk all over us and take advantage of us.
However, if we are to truly be like Christ and be a light to the world then we must remember who are enemy really is. The Bible says that satan comes to steal, kill, & destory. He is the one who brings false accusations, lies, threats, thinks up evil plans against us, leads people into jealousy, hatred, and hardens their hearts. He is the one who tempts us with the things of the world and keeps us distracted from God.
The good news is WE HAVE THE VICTORY! Jesus already took care of it on the cross for us and defeated him when he rose from the dead. The devil is under our feet and we have the power to stand against Him as Christians and tell him to get lost! We can choose not to believe the lies and we can choose not to focus on what we see with our eyes. We can choose to trust in God, even when everything around us looks bleak, looks bad, ...we can not trust our eyes! We must look to God and trust what we can not see, in the future He has promised us, in the hope of His calling and future for our lives. Like Job we must remember that no matter what, God is still good and still on the throne. He has not forgotten us.
He loves all His children, those who choose to believe on Him and even those who are running away and hiding as Jonah did when he hid on the boat. He never stops loving us, never stops believing us. He has great faith in us. Thank goodness He does! He believes in me when I do not believe in myself.
He never gave up on me and He will never give up on any of us.
So, who are we to judge? Only God knows the heart. Even when Jonah was in the belly if the fish crying out to God, the fish was already taking him to Ninevah. The plan was already in motion :)
I pray we will all have God's grace, mercy, and strength to love those who hurt us. To forgive them and pray blessings for them. To stop back biting, gossip, and trying to get justice.
God is in control and He is one God and Father of us all.
How easy we forget who are enemy really is. We only have ONE enemy.
God has been speaking to my heart so strongly about loving my enemies, praying for them, forgiving, not talking bad about people who hurt me. When I tried to love them in my own strength I failed everytime. When I chose to go to my friends first and complain and vent all my feelings it always made things worse. Why? Because I was hurting those people back by my words and keeping contempt in my heart against them. Then the time I went to God first, cried my eyes out to Him and told Him everything it always ends with Him showing me how I can change. Change my heart and attitude towards the situation and then in His strength, encouraged by His word, and led by His spirit I was able to overcome and the situation always works out and peace is restored. AND the best thing is no one got hurt in the process because I didn't hurt anyone with my words. Instead I covered them in prayer and in God's grace, mercy, and love.
As I wrote before that doesn't mean you have to open the door to let them hurt you again. Trust must be earned and we must guard our hearts. The Bible tells us to guard them.
It doesn't mean we have to let people walk all over us and take advantage of us.
However, if we are to truly be like Christ and be a light to the world then we must remember who are enemy really is. The Bible says that satan comes to steal, kill, & destory. He is the one who brings false accusations, lies, threats, thinks up evil plans against us, leads people into jealousy, hatred, and hardens their hearts. He is the one who tempts us with the things of the world and keeps us distracted from God.
The good news is WE HAVE THE VICTORY! Jesus already took care of it on the cross for us and defeated him when he rose from the dead. The devil is under our feet and we have the power to stand against Him as Christians and tell him to get lost! We can choose not to believe the lies and we can choose not to focus on what we see with our eyes. We can choose to trust in God, even when everything around us looks bleak, looks bad, ...we can not trust our eyes! We must look to God and trust what we can not see, in the future He has promised us, in the hope of His calling and future for our lives. Like Job we must remember that no matter what, God is still good and still on the throne. He has not forgotten us.
He loves all His children, those who choose to believe on Him and even those who are running away and hiding as Jonah did when he hid on the boat. He never stops loving us, never stops believing us. He has great faith in us. Thank goodness He does! He believes in me when I do not believe in myself.
He never gave up on me and He will never give up on any of us.
So, who are we to judge? Only God knows the heart. Even when Jonah was in the belly if the fish crying out to God, the fish was already taking him to Ninevah. The plan was already in motion :)
I pray we will all have God's grace, mercy, and strength to love those who hurt us. To forgive them and pray blessings for them. To stop back biting, gossip, and trying to get justice.
God is in control and He is one God and Father of us all.
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