Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The significance of the first miracle Jesus did

The first miracle we see is Jesus turning water into wine. The first miracle we see Moses do is turn water into blood. Blood signifies judgement where wine signifies celebration and joy. We see with Moses came the law and judgement but with Jesus comes celebration and joy for He brought grace and mercy!

I love this story of the first miracle. Weddings were a big deal in this time. They would last sometimes 3 days to a week. After the initial wedding everyone would gather into the bride's house for blessings on her and toasts, etc. Then they would go to the groom's home where the party really began. Running out of wine at these parties was not just embarrasing but a big offense. It simply did not happen. So, when Mary sees this she takes her concern to Jesus and submits to Him by telling the servants whatever He tells you, do it. These servants were the ones who were blessed to be part of this first miracle. Everytime they dipped there serving instrument into the pot full of water they saw it turn into wine. Over and over again. They received that blessing because they were obedient to do what they were told.
I LOVE how Jesus chose the servants to witness and be a part of this first miracle. And the symbolism of the celebration and joy to come.

This was a  miracle of creation. Jesus shows us He is Lord over nature and He is Lord over time. It reminds us that God is the creator.

This was also a miracle of transformation. Jesus changed things.

Jesus wants to change things in your heart. ♥

I heard a quote today that really summed it up
If Jesus could turn water into fine wine surely He can make fine wine out of the tap water of my life. Even if the wine skin is getting old.

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