Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Stones

Joshua 4

The Stones

This is the chapter that talks about the stones. After God dried up the Jordan and Israel crossed Joshua was instructed by the Lord to pick up 12 stones. One stone for the 12 tribes of Israel. They picked them up and set up a monument.
Well, the stones were to remind them of what God had done. So, generations after Joshua was gone the Israelites could remember that the mighty hand of God was with them. So, during the difficult times, the hard times when it would seem God was not doing anything they could look back and remember that God was in there midst.
It's so important that we reflect on what God has done in our lives. The enemy certainly loves to remind us of what he has done in our lives. The enemy works hard to make us live in regret and shame. But when we focus on what God has done it overpowers that! The big miracles are not everyday but those mountain top experiences are to help us when we are in the valleys. We can look back and remind ourselves that God is for us, with us, and most importantly that He is HERE!

Let us reflect on what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do! That is how we keep our thoughts heavenward ☺

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