Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Time of Waiting

I started on the Joseph story today. It seems fitting because it's really a story of waiting, of endurance, of fighting temptation. And that is the season I am in now.

Joseph had some amazing dreams. God given dreams! But all Joesph could see was his dreams led him into a dark pit, rejected by his brothers, sold into slavery in Egypt, thrown into prison. Years of waiting! Years! All of his youth..
And he was tempted. Potiphar's wife tempted him over and over to sleep with her. But he overcame that temptation and told her it was sinful. And because he did what was right what was his reward? He was falsey accused and  thrown in jail! Joseph overcame temptation, he endured, he waited...

I can understand some of what Jospeh went through. Having been falsey accused myself, losing my job, and now just waiting, and waiting. Not knowing what God's plan is in all this. But just having to wait. Having to trust. And wait..and having to overcome the temptations of sliding back into habitual sin. Learning to endure.

God has given me a vision. A dream.
Just like Jospeh, I too must go through a preparation time. When Joseph was serving Potiphar and when he was in jail he was put in charge. He oversaw Potiphar's house. He oversaw the jail. God was preparing him to one day oversee all of Egypt.

Does it seem like your dreams are gone? Does it seem like God has forgotten you?
Well, be of good cheer because your dream is not dead and God is with you. If your dream or vision is from the Lord then He will finish what He started. We can't always understand the plan but know that God is in the midst of it all and He is preparing you.

I know He is preparing me. So, I must endure. I must be patient. I must overcome.

I must wait.

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