I think it's so easy as a Christian to say to our fellow brothers & sisters "I will pray for you". I think we need to really mean it if we say it. Too easily this can become just a coin of phrase. Are we really praying for one another? Are we praying that our fellow believers will be filled with knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that they may have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him. That they are fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. That they are strenghtened with all His might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy? That is how Paul prayed for his brothers & sisters in Christ.
Are we truly praying for our friends to be blessed in their time with God, their relationships, their finances, blessing their families & children? Do we pray for healing, physically, mentally, emotionally? Have we fasted and prayed for our unsaved loved ones never giving up on them because God never will. Do we sincerly pray for our pastors and leaders who are always under attack or do we just complain about how they could do things better?
Come on church, we all NEED each others prayers! It's our only defense against the enemy and this world's temptations.
Do we see our bother or sister struggling and ignore their cries for help? Even if the cry is silent and they don't ask for help. We can still pray for them.
Let's spend less time pointing out each others faults and more time on our knees before a loving God who died for us all. We are all in need of grace.
Next time you say.."I'll pray for you", think about if you really mean it. Will you really?
Your prayers are the greatest gift you can ever give. Remember, it's not in vain!
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