I recently have witnessed many beautiful souls who's life ended too soon. One was a young mother of three children, one a newborn baby, another a young girl of twenty. At times like this we often wonder, "Why, God?" , "Why are some prayers answered and others not?"
In times such as these my heart and spirit mourn for those families but I remember that God is in control and He knows the outcome of everything.
We are tempted at times to think that death has come to the wrong person or has come at the wrong time, especially when a child is left without a mother, or when children die at a young age. Familiar as we are with death, the ways of God regarding it often seem strange to us. But, without a doubt, God never abandons His children. He leads us to look beyond our grief and to trust in His wisdom and in His tender love to comfort our broken spirit. At times we all need comfort. This is especially true during experiences of distress and grief when a loved one dies. Those of us who have lost loved ones know what a word of compassion can mean. I remember what a comfort it was for me when my dad died. As we see others suffering, let us also remember that our Heavenly Father has commanded to comfort His people.
The words of our Savior are most comforting, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:1-3).
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. - Psalm: 116:15
The Lord pays special attention when his faithful people die. - Psalm 116:15 (NIRV)
Dear Lord,
Bless those who mourn with the comfort of your love that they may face each new day with hope and the certainty that nothing can destroy the good that has been given. May their memories become joyful, their days enriched with friendship,
and their lives encircled by your love. In Jesus' name, I pray.....Amen.
Please pray for families that are mourning today. My heart grieves for other countries as well. Many die everyday, thousands of children from disease and hunger, and sometimes we don't blink an eye. Pray for the broken hearted and those who mourn.
When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher then I (Psalm 61:2)
God is still in control
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