Saturday, June 18, 2011

You Are What You Eat

I've been thinking of this expression a lot lately. I have always heard it and thought it applied more to food. However, it never made sense to me in that aspect...if I eat an apple..I'm an apple? lol..
Recently I have been thinking about it in another way. We have all heard in Christian circles the the Word of God. Give us this day our daily bread..reffering to God's Word for us today or His provision for us.

So, if you are always chosing to watch things in movies or on television that fill us up with worldy junk then that would be what comes out of us. Listen to swearing long enough and you will be swearing, too. Watch TV shows that mock God and your faith in Him will diminish. Watch enough violence and you become desensitized or complacent about it. Listen to lies long enough and they become truth to you.
But, if we fill ourselves up on God's Word, feast on that daily..then that will come out of us. Joy, faith, love, forgiveness, patience, goodness.

That children's song always pops into my heard at times like this..."Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little ears what you hear, oh be careful little mouth what you say, oh be careful little feet where you go for the Father up above is looking down in love.."

Let us be mindful of what we consume each day because eventually it will spill out of us.

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