Friday, June 17, 2011

The Benefit Package

PSALM 103“Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits”
When our eyes move from our own state of affairs we can look at all God offers us. Listen to the refreshing, life-giving things God asks us not to forget:

Who FORGIVES all your sinsThank you, Lord, that I am forgiven. Fill me with the wonder of a clean heart. Help me to declare my forgiveness when I am tempted to wallow in the pit of despair over my past, my failures and my weaknesses. I am forgiven!

And HEALS all your diseasesLord, I bring my aching body to You and ask You to touch me with Your hand of healing. Give me wisdom and understanding of what to do physically. I also bring the diseases of my heart to you. Lord, remove all bitterness and pride and show me the things that erode my spirit.

Who REDEEMS your life from the pitLord, I am amazed at the fact that You reach into the pit that I even sometimes dig myself… and You lift me up. You bring beauty out of ashes as I trust in You. You buy back all the broken pieces and give me new life! Thank you!

And CROWNS you with love and compassionLord, Your care and tenderness to me is a constant surprise even though I know You love me. Thank you for the attention You give to the details of my life as I offer it to You.

Who SATISFIES your desires with good thingsThank you that Your plans for me are to find my fulfillment in You as I offer myself to You. You made me and You know how to grow me into all I ever wanted to be.

So that your youth is RENEWED like the eagle’sLord, when I see how You forgive me, heal me, redeem my life, crown me with Your love and satisfy me, I am truly renewed in my Spirit.

Lord thank you for this wonderful view of Your desires for me. I WILL praise you with everything that is within me. “Praise the Lord O my soul, all my inmost being, praise His holy name.” Amen

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