Friday, June 17, 2011

Shield of Dreams

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

In the times when Rome was ruling the world, the soldiers had an amazingly huge shield to use going into battle. This piece of equipment was large enough to cover the entire man. If the army was advancing on the enemy, often the soldiers would cover themselves with these shields, walking close enough to each other that the shields overlapped. The next row of soldiers would hold the shields up in the air thus making it impossible for the foe to throw spears or shoot arrows at them. All the efforts of the enemy were of no effect because the shields would stop all weapons of that type. The equipment was so large that, if the soldier was wounded or died, the companions put him on the shield and carried him off the battle field.

What I LOVE about this is it is a wonderful illustration of the power of being united in prayer. When we gather together and pray in agreement we are literally taking our shields and overlapping them. The enemy can in no way penetrate through that. There is power in numbers!!! When we are united in prayer and applying the truth of God's Word we bring the enemy to a halt and all strong holds come tumbling down. We overcome by His blood and the Word of our testimony. Especially when we share our stories with each other because that builds our faith. That it why it is crucial that we gather together and unite in prayer declaring the truth of God's Word. I like especially the illustration of being carried off the battle field. Sometimes it seems like we are dying or a relationship has died. Sometimes it sems our finances have died or there are situations in our life or dreams that seem dead. We uphold each other, we carry each other off the battlefield at times where we can recieve restoration and healing. We need each other! The enemy's biggest plan is to seperate us, to have us get offended and leave the church, to leave the body of Christ. Once He gets us out in the open with out any covering we are weakened. The enemy knows this! That is why we must set aside petty arguements, offenses, and resentment. We must forgive and love each other more then we love ourselves because we are stronger when we are united! A three fold chord can not be broken.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have been given. But just as the mamma bird can not respond to their baby unless they cry out so it is with us. We must cry out! We must pray for each other! We must declare truth. I love that I have a friend who always tells me when something is a lie from the pit of hell - it is so easy to believe the lies and the negative but God wants us to live in His truth. It is time to advance on the enemy and take back everything he has stolen from us. Take back your joy, your health, your peace, your children, your finances, your freedom, your blessings. ENOUGH! I am tired of letting satan have what God has given to me! I am going to continue to PUSH - pray until something hapens and I thank all of you who are standing with me. Our shields are overlapped and God will have the victory!!!

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