Friday, June 17, 2011

Free from the Performance Trap

Because of the inability to freely receive love and acceptance, we can find ourselves driven to prove our worth, even to God. This will inevitably lead to embracing a false identity based on what we do. Be set free today. There is nothing you can do to earn His love.
If you have children do you expect them to earn your love? NO. You love them because they are yours. You love them when they make bad choices, when they mess up, when they are disobedient, rebellious, or even cause you pain. You never stop loving them. They are your children. Your heart may break for them but you NEVER stop loving them and you give them that love freely.
Then why is it so hard to understand? We are God's children. He LOVES us. And loves us even more then we can ever love. He loves us even when we are disobedient, rebellious, stubborn, make bad choices. He NEVER stops loving us. We can't earn His love. He just loves us because we are His.
We may break His heart but He doesn't ever stop loving us.

So, nothing you do, nothing you say, no matter what you try, nothing will make Him love you more then He already does.

Be set free. HE LOVES YOU! He does not show partiality, or favoritism.
He longs for us to be close to Him just as you would long for your children to be close to you.

Be set free from the performance trap. Be set free from the comparison trap.
Just freely receive His love ♥

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