Friday, June 17, 2011

A prayer birthed from Isaiah 26

Thank you God that you have made me a strong city. That Your saving power surrounds me like walls and towers. You are my strong champion! Thank you for Your perfect peace that You have promised when I am faithful to You. You are my rock and You keep me safe forever. Thank you that You are mighty to pull down every stronghold and I trample it under my feet! That which seemed to overpower me I now walk all over it. Thank you for being honest and fair, for guiding me to do what is right. You lead me on a straight path and make it smooth. Lord, help me to live the way Your laws command. I am waiting for You to act. My heart longs for You to be true to Your name. My heart longs for you at night and my spirit longs for you in the morning.
Lord, so many are lost and show you no respect. They have no fear of You. Yet still, You show your grace and mercy. My heart cries out for them. Show them how much You love them and then they will be put to shame and cry out to You. Lord, thank you for Your peace. You are the One who has helped me accomplish everything good. Thank you for being the one true God. Others on the earth have tried to rule over me but You alone will I honor and serve! What the enemy tried to do You have punished & destroyed. Those lies will never live again!
Thank you Lord, you have made our nation grow. You have made it larger. You have gained glory for yourself. You have increased the size of our land. Lord, we can do nothing without you. Nothing in our own strength. What I tried to birth on my own produced nothing! It didn't bring your saving power to the earth. It didn't give life to the people of the world. Forgive me God for trying in my own strength. On my own I will fail but I can do all things through You because you strengthen me. Those dead things in my life which I let die will live again! You will raise them from the dead. Every dead situation I gave up on will rise. What I laid in the grave will wake up and shout!
Praise you God! I was pushed to the wall and I called to You. From the wide open spaces You answered. You are at my side and I’m not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me? You are my strong champion; I flick off my enemies like flies. Thank you God that I can take refuge in You. I will praise You, for You have answered me! Bless the Lord oh my soul!

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