Friday, June 17, 2011

A Father to the Fatherless Child

Tonight I cried a river of tears
They flowed through the desert of my heart
That pain was locked up for many years
and was starting to rip me apart
I cried out to God and He heard that cry
and showed me the root of my pain
An altar call for the fatherless child
He healed as our tears fell like rain
Wrapped in God's arms He held me tight
and replaced every void I have known
He showered me with His love tonight
And told me that I was His own
There is no condition to His love
There's nothing I have to do
Unconditional love from above
He loves me. I know that it's true
Thank you that you see beauty in me
Thank you that you've set me apart
You have faith in all I can be
You have healed my broken heart

Love Your Child,

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