Friday, June 17, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

Wow! Wow! Wow! That is all I can say when talking about my daddy, my Abba Father!
I have struggled for so long to grasp this unconditional love, this amazing father's love. I have known in my head for ever so long that His love is real and available for me but my heart could not grasp it. My heart was so wounded from so many years of dissapointments and rejection. Never having the example of a father's love in my earthly father it has been so difficult for me. I really need to experience love in tangable ways. I have told this to the Lord so many times and He has answered!
I have been out of work since January 6th and God has constantly provided for my needs. Back in April I put my complete faith in God because I was leaving for convention the next day and I was broke. Our meals were not covered so I prayed - Lord, You are my provider and I put my trust in you! If I need to eat you will provide and if I need to fast you will give me the strength to endure. Thursday when I got to church a parent came up to me and gave me a card. Inside the card was $50! She told me the Lord compelled her to give it. Our God is the!! Not only was it more then enough for my meals but I also was able to refill money on my cell phone!! How great is my Father! He provides!
But the best part was this past weekend at convention the Lord healed my heart of every road block that has stood in the way of accepting Him as my Father. That total abandonment. Truly trusting Him in my heart and KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that He really loves me. He loves me just the way that I am. He loves me no matter how many times I fall down. He loves me when I make promises I can't keep. He loves me when I give into my own desires. He comes running the minute I cry out to Him. He has been showing me He will provide, He will take care of me, He is truly the Father to the fatherless!!! He showed me a picture of a baby learning to walk. No matter how many times the baby falls down the parent lovingly helps the child back up and encourages them to try again. God knows I will try and I will fail but He always encourages me to get back up and try again! And He never ever stops loving me no matter how many times I fall!
Oh how I love my daddy! He is making ALL things new! ALL things! All things in my family, in my finances, in my body, in my heart, in my mind, in my relationships with friends. He is delivering me from my addictions, hang ups, habits I can't break but through Him I WILL OVERCOME!
Do you know my daddy? OH HOW HE LOVES ME!!!!
The biggest breakthrough I had this past weekend at convention was truly seeing that He is a personal God. The way He loves me He can love everyone. He is big enough to do that! Perhaps in my heart I put Him in a box, thought maybe He can't love me the way He loves someone else or does He really care about every detail? But HE IS BIG ENOUGH!!! He is big enough and strong enough to let me sit at the table with Him as long as I want and can still do it for thousands of others. He is beyond incredible!
OH how I love my Abba Father!
It is my prayer that you can know Him, too ♥♥♥
Who's your daddy?

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