Friday, June 17, 2011

What Would it Look Like?

Lately I have been feeling so convicted of how I spend my time. Then I was thinking, what would it be like? What would it be like if we knew Jesus was coming back in one year? How would that change what we are doing? Would we work harder at knowing God's Word? Would we be more willing to share Christ with a neighbor? Would we be more willing to fast and pray for the lost? What if we knew for sure He was coming back in 6 months, or three? What would that look like in our lives? Would we take every hour we have more seriously? Would we be careful not to waste the time we have with meaningless entertainment or things that have no value in the kingdom of God? Would we be more careful to watch what comes out of our mouths? What would it look like if we knew this was our last day and Jesus was coming back tomorrow? Would we not hesitate to get on our knees and spend time with Him in the secret place? What would that sort of knowledge change in the way we conduct ourselves, would it change what we say, what we watch, how we treat others?
Well, Jesus IS coming back and He is coming back soon. We may not know the day nor the hour but He is coming. It could be in a year, it could be in a few months, or even tomorrow. We do not know....
I keep thinking about the ten foolish virgins that Jesus spoke about. The ones who let their oil run out and missed entering in. Lord, help us not to miss it!
What would it look like if the church started acting like Jesus was coming back tomorrow?
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So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return. - Matthew 25:13

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